Thursday, January 6, 2011

What's on those little cards on the board?

We stopped for espresso at a little coffee stand that was way out in the sticks. The area looked sparsely populated but the bulletin board where various business cards were pinned up was pretty full. I wondered how much business one got from posting there. And, in an area like this, how else would you effectively advertise. Maybe it's people out of a job looking to get by, and doing whatever they can to make a buck. House cleaners, babysitters, mechanics, snow shovelers, etc. Certainly people pinned them there with high hopes of being noticed. The most outstanding one I saw was someone advertising to be a clown at parties, bowling events, hospitals and birthing rooms. Actually I'd like to know more about that.
Then we were trying to come up some other really odd careers. Like bee anesticist, bee semen extractor and inseminator , high wire walker, beer taster. One of the oddest we came up with on our wireless this day was a chicken sexer. Picking out the males and females. Maybe not so hard I said. Try putting chocolate on one side of the cage and beer on the other. Then they would probably separate themselves.

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